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Ability for Mathematics May Be Inborn

Some people may just be born with a talent for math. I mean, we’ve known that practicing your times tables makes for better multiplication, but new research shows that our inborn sense of numbers is linked to our math ability, even before any training in math.

Researchers gave 200 four-year-olds tests of number sense, which is the ability to guess quantities without counting. In this test kids watched groups of blue and yellow dots flash on a computer screen, and had to guess which color was more numerous. Some comparisons were obvious, like two blue and eight yellow. Others were tough, like five blue and six yellow. Researchers also tested the children's basic math skills.
研究人员对200名4岁儿童进行了数字意识测试。所谓数字意识就是指猜数量的能力。测试过程中,研究人员让孩子们看电脑屏幕上蓝色、黄色圆点动 画,然后让他们猜那种颜色的比较多。有的数量区别比较明显:蓝色2个,黄色8个;有的数量区别比较模糊:蓝色5个,黄色6个。此外,研究人员还测试了孩子 们的基本算术能力。

Kids who could judge that a group of six yellow dots is larger than a group of five blue dots were also better at arithmetic. Meaning that number sense correlated with basic math skills, even in pre-schoolers. The study appears in the journal Developmental Science.

Good number sense in adolescents was thought to be linked to good instruction, but turns out from this study that the link between good number sense and good math skills exists before any instruction.

