
【趣谈英国】3D魔豆秀 上海街头看英国 (组图)

2011-09-13 22:08
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英伦3D街画艺术家Joe和Max给观众带来了超乎想象的视觉效果,只要站在画布上,英国的景象就能跃然眼前,仿佛真的就在英国。现场观众对此赞叹不已。 大家纷纷与白金汉宫俯瞰下的夜伦敦合影留念。观众姿势越大胆,和3D画的融合就越奇特。艺术家Joe还和大家在现场互动,为参加的观众免费高清拍摄。


For the past seven years, Joe and Max have travelled the world from New York to Shanghai creating their unique 3D street art. They design their anamorphic paintings to encourage audience interaction. Their eye-catching creations are ideal for live events, marketing campaigns, music videos and TV commercials. Clients range from Google and M&C Saatchi to the BBC and Save the Children.
在过去的七年里,Joe 和 Max 从纽约到上海,走遍了世界各地,创作他们独特的3D街画艺术。他们设计仿真的艺术画,鼓励观众走进画中互动。他们引人注目的创作是现场活动、营销活动、音乐影带和电视广告的最佳选择,谷歌、M&C Saatchi,BBC,救助儿童会都曾与其合作。

VisitBritain China & HK Country Manager, Travis Qian, said: “We know that millions of Chinese watching the Royal Wedding so we thought we’d bring one of the world’s most famous icons right into the heart of Shanghai. We hope it will inspire more Chinese to go and see the real thing for themselves.”

Simon Vincent, area president Europe, Hilton Worldwide, said, “As one of the founding partners of VisitBritain’s ‘You’re Invited’ campaign we are excited to be involved in the launch of Great Britain 3D. This initiative is an inventive way in which to showcase Britain as an exceptional destination.”
希尔顿酒店集团欧洲区总裁Simon Vincent表示:“作为英国旅游局‘邀你游英国’宣传项目的合作伙伴之一,我们很高兴也参与到英国3D画活动的举办之中。此次活动以一种富有创意的方式向世界展现了英国作为一个独一无二的旅游胜地的风采。”
