短文改错(Error Correction)属主观题型,主要考查英语基础知识。做改错题是小编的软肋,现将优秀的改错模拟题整理了一下,为准高三的童鞋们准备了第一手的英语一轮复习资料。赶紧做做看吧!
I feel quite sure the chemistry test that we’re going to have tomorrow. The teacher has already told us exact what to study and I think my grades on homework has been good.In a fact, I think chemistry has always been one of the subjects that I enjoy it most. Susan and I had already spent two hours review pages 115-140 tonight. We are going to devote another hour to practise with some of the sample(实例) problem. Then I will ready for the test.
I feel quite sure∧the chemistry test that we’re going to have tomorrow. The
teacher has already told us exactwhat to study and I think my grades on
homework has been good.In a fact, I think chemistry has always been one
of the subjects that I enjoy it most. Susan and I hadalready spent two hours
review pages 115-140 tonight. We are going to devote another hour to practise
reviewing practicing
with some of the sample(实例) problem .Then I will ∧ready for the test.
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