

2011-07-08 08:30
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1891年,处在写作生涯巅峰期的王尔德遇见了阿尔弗雷德·“波西”·道格拉斯(Alfred "Bosie" Douglas),两人很快成为了同性恋人。四年后,因为这段“不敢说出名字的爱”,王尔德被判“有伤风化”罪而入狱。在狱中,王尔德开始反思从前的生活,思索痛苦和人生的意义,艺术和爱的真谛,最终将那些痛苦的泪水都化作优美而深沉的文字,写成了这封名为"de profundis"(从深处)的长信。

作者简介:奥斯卡·王尔德(Oscar Wilde, 1854-1900),英国维多利亚时代著名作家,“唯美主义运动”的领军人物,倡导“为艺术而艺术”(Art for art's sake)。他的代表作有戏剧《莎乐美》(Salome)《认真的重要性》(The Importance of Being Earnest),童话《快乐王子》(The Happy Prince) 《夜莺与玫瑰》(The Nightingale and the Rose),小说《道连·格雷的画像》(The Picture of Dorian Gray),以及书信《自深深处》(De Profundis)等。


The poor thieves and outcasts who are imprisoned here with me are in many respects more fortunate than I am. The little way in grey city or green field that saw their sin is small: to find those who know nothing of what they have done they need go no further than a bird might fly between the twilight before dawn and dawn itself: but for me “the world is shrivelled to a handsbreadth,” and everywhere I turn my name is written on the rocks in lead. For I have come, not from obscurity into the momentary notoriety of crime, but from a sort of eternity of fame to a sort of eternity of infamy, and sometimes seem to myself to have shown, if indeed it required showing, that between the famous and the infamous there is but one step, if so much as one.




1、shrivel v.使枯萎;使皱缩
【举例】skin shrivelled by age 因年老而干枯起皱的皮肤
The habitat of lions has shrivelled. 狮子的栖息地变小了。

2、obscurity n.无名;默默无闻;晦涩;昏暗
【举例】rise from obscurity to international fame 从默默无闻到在国际上一举成名
The obscutiry of the paragraph makes several interpretations possible. 这段文字极为晦涩,可能有多种解释。
hide in the obscurity of the thick bushes 躲藏在灌木丛生的阴暗处
obscure a.无名的;默默无闻的;晦涩的;偏僻的;昏暗的

3、momentary a.瞬息的;短暂的;随时可能发生的;时刻不停的
【举例】There was a momentary pause. 停顿了片刻。
Her hesitation was momentary. 她的犹豫是短暂的。
He lives in momentary fear of being exposed. 他时刻害怕会暴露。

4、infamy n.恶名;声名狼藉;恶行;
【举例】hold sb. up to infamy 使某人声名狼藉
Traitors are held in infamy. 叛徒为人所不齿。
reveal one's infamy 揭露某人的恶行
infamous a.声名狼藉的;无耻的


