你的联系方式:Email: lihua@,Phone:12345678
Dear Sir/Madam,
This application comes to you from one of your Summer Course students. My name is Lihua, from China. I got the syllabus yesterday, and the courses are quite interesting.
However, some points are still making me confused. Here are two problems I’ve got:
1. Where can I get the textbooks? Can I borrow them from the school library instead of buying the brand new ones?
2. My oral English is imperfect, so do I have some extra courses to practice it, or maybe we have English Corner?
About our meeting time, I hope this Friday, 3pm. would be great for you.
You could also contact me by email or phone.
Email: lihua@
Look forward to your reply.
Li Hua
版本2: 沪江网校小方老师
Dear Sir/Madam,
My full name is Li Hua, a student of summer courses here.
I am writing this letter to report some of the problems and puzzles I encountered when learning the course of Business English. My puzzle is that I don’t know whether this course mainly teaches English or teaches in English. In other words, how could I balance between business knowledge and English itself?
I hope you could give me some directions so that I can work it out without too much difficulty. I am available at 8 am on Wednesday. Would that be OK? Please do feel free to contact me by e-mail or telephone at any time.
My email address is lihua@
My phone number is 12345678.
Look forward to your reply!
沪江网校是沪江网倾力打造远程多媒体网络教育系统。 通过沪江网校,外语学习者可以在任何时间和地点接受到专业的外语培训。沪江网校汇集权威外语名师,凭借雄厚的师资力量、科学新颖的教学模式、严谨细致的教学作风、专业务实的培训团队、领先的网络教育平台和领先课件技术、为学员提供完整、优化的英日法等多国语种的教学体系,既打破了传统面授的诸多限制,发挥了网络教育的优势,也兼顾面授的答疑与互动特点。点我进入沪江网校高考后充电专题>>