圆明园(Yuanmingyuan Imperial Garden)位于北京西郊,于1708年开始兴建。经过几十年的建造、装饰和改建,圆明园成为当时世界上最出色的园林之一。圆明园继承了中国园林建筑的传统,把不同风格的园林建筑融为一体,充分体现出和谐与完美。除此之外,圆明园在世界园林建筑史上也占有非常重要的地位。遗憾的是,经过几场战争,今天的圆明园只是一片废墟。
Located in the west suburb of Beijing, Yuanmingyuan Imperial Garden was first constructed in 1708. After decades of construction, decoration and reconstruction, Yuanmingyuan Imperial Garden had become one of the most excellent gardens in the world at that time. It earned forward the tradition of Chinese garden building by combining garden architectures of different styles to give full expression of harmony and perfectness. Besides this, Yuanmingyuan Imperial Garden also had a very important position in the world history of garden architecture. It is a pity that after several wars, today s Yuanmingyuan Imperial Garden is only a heap of ruins.