



  1. Market Analysis (市场分析):指对市场进行全面的调查和研究,以了解市场趋势、竞争对手和消费者需求。例如:We conducted a thorough market analysis before launching the new product.

  2. Negotiation (谈判):指双方就某项事务或协议进行讨论和商议,以达成共识或达成协议。例如:The negotiation between the two companies lasted for several weeks before they reached a deal.

  3. Investment (投资):指将资金或资源投入到某项项目或事业中,以期获得未来的回报或利益。例如:The company made a significant investment in research and development to improve product quality.

  4. Profit Margin (利润率):指企业在销售产品或提供服务后所获得的利润与总销售额之间的比率。例如:The company aims to increase its profit margin by reducing production costs.

  5. Supply Chain (供应链):指涉及从原材料采购到最终产品交付的整个生产和分销过程。例如:Efficient management of the supply chain is crucial for ensuring timely delivery to customers.

  6. Marketing Strategy (营销策略):指企业为推广产品或服务而制定的全面计划和方法。例如:The company’s marketing strategy focuses on social media advertising and influencer partnerships.

  7. Globalization (全球化):指世界范围内不同国家和地区之间经济、文化和政治联系日益紧密的趋势。例如:Globalization has led to increased competition and greater opportunities for international trade.

  8. Brand Management (品牌管理):指维护和提升品牌形象,以吸引消费者并建立品牌忠诚度的活动和策略。例如:The company hired a brand management team to oversee advertising campaigns and product positioning.

  9. Risk Assessment (风险评估):指对潜在风险进行全面评估和分析,以制定应对措施和降低风险的方法。例如:Before expanding into new markets, it’s essential to conduct a thorough risk assessment.

  10. E-commerce (电子商务):指通过互联网和电子平台进行商品和服务的买卖交易活动。例如:The growth of e-commerce has transformed the way consumers shop and businesses operate.










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