

英语六级翻译常考政治经济、历史文化等话题,大家在考前需要掌握不同话题翻译词汇。今天@沪江英语四六级微信公众号为大家带来2023年12月英语六级翻译常考话题预测(8):中国文化符号话题 ,希望对你有所帮助。





Chinese people use chopsticks every day, which seems a wonder to many foreigners. Historical records show that the use of chopsticks dates back to three thousand years ago. In ancient times, the rich used gold chopsticks to display their wealth. Chopsticks have many other functions as well. In the past, for example, people used silver chopsticks to see if their food was poisoned. Nowadays many foreign friends try to use chopsticks when they visit China. It's said that President Nixon also used chopsticks at the welcoming banquet when he visited China.


中国结(Chinese knot)是中国文化的典型代表之一。中国结源于古代,当时人们用系结的方式来记事,在唐宋时期(the Tang and Song Dynasties)逐渐发展成为一种饰品,并在明清时期(the Ming and Qing Dynasties)开始盛行至今。中国结象征着团结、友谊、和平、热情和爱情等。制作中国结的材料多种多样,如棉线、丝编、尼龙(nylon)、皮革,甚至是一些贵重金属。如今,中国结在世界各地广受欢迎。


Chinese knot is one of the typical symbols of Chinese culture. It appeared in ancient times when people tied knots to keep records. It developed gradually as a type of decoration during the Tang and Song Dynasties, and prevailed from the Ming and Qing Dynasties up to now.Chinese knot means reunion, friendship, peace, warmth, and love, etc. Materials used to make the knots are various, such as cotton, silk, nylon, leather and even precious metals. Today, Chinese knot is popular in many parts of the world.




As an art of writing Chinese characters, Chinese calligraphy boasts a considerably long history. It is one of the highest forms of Chinese art, serving the purposes of conveying thoughts and showcasing the abstract beauty of lines of Chinese characters. It is also widely acknowledged that Chinese calligraphy plays a part in preserving the health of those who practice it, which is supported by the long lives of many calligraphers in Chinese history. When one is practicing calligraphy, he or she highly concentrates and is spellbound by the charm of the work, turning a blind eye and a deaf ear to unpleasant things. A sense of calm and relaxation and a comfortable psychological state take them over, which is highly beneficial to both the body and mind.




China has a long history of fan culture.The first fan came into being 3,000 years ago and was made of bird feathers. Nowadays, there are various materials for fan making,among which paper and silk are the most commonly used. Fans are used widely. Apart from cooling people they can also be used for dance, decoration and so on. In Chinese culture, a fan is a work of art rather than a tool. The calligraphy, paintings or poems on both sides of the fans add artistic values to them, making them the treasures of many collectors.


红笼(lantern)是中国传统的手工艺品(handicraft),是中国的象征。它源于汉代(the Han Dynasty),在唐宋时期(the Tang and Song Dynasties)最为繁盛。起初,人们在门口悬挂灯笼只是用来辟邪。后来在节假日时也悬挂灯笼以增添喜庆的气氛。灯笼的样式很多,除了圆形和方形外,还有花、鸟、鱼的形状,通常以纸和丝绸为主要制作原料。每年的元宵节(the Lantern Festival),全国各地的人们制作出漂亮的灯笼来欢庆节日。


Lantern, a symbol of China, is a Chinese traditional handicraft. It came into being in the Han Dynasty, and its popularity peaked in the Tang and Song Dynasties. Originally, people hang the lanterns in front of their doors only to drive away evil spirits. Later,lanterns are also hung on holidays and festivals to add joyous atmosphere. The designs of lanterns are various. Apart from round and square, the lanterns can be shaped into flowers, birds, and fish, and they are mainly made of paper and silk. On Lantern Festivals, people all over the country make beautiful lanterns to celebrate the festival.


年画(New Year Picture)是中国特有的一种绘画体裁。贴年画的习俗源于在房子的大门上贴门神(Door Gods)的传统。传统年画以精美的木刻(block print)和鲜艳的色彩闻名。主题主要是花鸟、可爱的婴儿、神话传说与历史故事等,表达人们祈望丰收的愿望和对幸福生活的憧憬。随着印刷技术的提高,制作年画的材料也不断增多。这种传统的艺术形式如今仍充满生机,深受人们喜爱。


New Year Picture is a unique type of painting in China. The custom of pasting New Year Pictures came from the tradition of pasting Door Gods on the external doors of houses. The traditional New Year Pictures are well-known for their elaborate block print and bright colors. Their subjects are mainly flowers and birds, lovely babies, myths and legends, and historical stories, etc, conveying people's wishes for a good harvest and a happy life. With the improvement of printing technologies, there are more and more new materials for New Year Pictures. This traditional art form is still full of vigor today and is deeply loved by people.


为了让人们更好地记住年份,我们的祖先用12只动物来代表年份。即“十二生肖”(Chinese Zodiac)。每一年由一种动物代表,每隔12年进行一个循环,从鼠开始,以猪为结尾。每一种动物还有其独特的文化内涵(cultural connotation}。例如,牛年出生的人据说“勤奋、冷静、可靠”,虎年出生的人则“强大、勇敢、但又急躁”。十二生肖在亚洲的其他国家,如韩国和日本也很流行。


In order to remember the years more easily, our ancestors used twelve animals to represent the years, which is called the"Chinese Zodiac". Every year is represented by an animal and every 12 years comes in a circle beginning with Rat and ending with Pig. Each animal has its unique cultural connotations. For example, a person born in the Year of Oxis said to be hard-working, calm, and reliable, while a person born in the Year of Tiger is powerful, brave, and impatient. The Chinese Zodiac remains popular as well in other Asian countries, such as Korea and Japan.


庙会(temple fair)是中国一种传统的节日活动。它源于古代人们的祭祀仪式(sacrificial ceremony),逐渐演变成物品交流的集市和文化表演的场所。庙会一般在寺庙里或寺庙附近的空地上举行。虽然各地举办庙会的日子有所不同,但活动内容都差不多。老百姓从四面八方赶来,买卖物品、观看表演、品尝小吃。近几年来,庙会已经成为人们欣赏民间艺术和体验传统文化的首选之地。


The temple fair is a kind of traditional festival activity in China. It originated from the ancient sacrificial ceremonies and gradually evolved into a marketplace for people to exchange articles and a place for a cultural performance. The temple fair is usually held on the open ground in or near a temple. Although temple fairs in different places are held on various dates, their activities are alike. People come from far and wide to the temple fair to buy and sell goods, watch performances, and tasty snacks. In recent years, temple fairs have become a priority place for people to appreciate folk arts and experience traditional culture.


汉字(Chinese character)是世界上最古老的文字之一。它在古时由汉族人所创造,历史甚至可以追溯到五千年前。所以,汉字的起源也可以被认为是中国古文明的开端。汉字这个名字,得名于汉族和汉朝。汉字是迄今为止连续使用时间最长的书写系统,集发音、形象和词义三者于一体,这在世界文字中是独一无二的。汉字往往可以引起人们美妙而大胆的联想,给人以美感。汉字体现了中国历史和深远思想的精髓,是中国最宝贵的文化遗产。


The Chinese character, one of the most ancient characters in the world, was created by the Han Nationality in ancient times, which could be traced back to 5,000 years ago. So the origin of Chinese characters can also be regarded as the beginning of ancient Chinese civilization. Chinese character is named after Han Nationality and Han Dynasty. Being the oldest continuously used writing system in the world so far, Chinese character is a combination of pronunciation, shape, and meaning, which is unique in the world. Chinese characters can often arouse wonderful and wild fancy, bringing people a sense of beauty. The Chinese character displays the essence of Chinese history and deep thought and is considered the most valuable cultural heritage of China.


中国国画(Chinese traditional painting)起源于约 6000 年前。纸张发明以前,人们主要用陶器(pottery)和丝绸作画。随着唐朝经济和文化的繁荣,传统国画逐渐兴盛起来。山水画(landscape)是中国国画的主要种类之一,主要描绘了中国各地的山川大河和瑰丽的自然风光。几个世纪以来,国画的发展折射了时代和社会的变迁。当今,经典国画主要收藏和展览于美术馆,供中外游客欣赏。


Chinese traditional painting dates back to about 6,000 years ago. Before paper was invented, the pottery and silk were mainly used for painting. With the economic and cultural prosperity of the Tang Dynasty, it has gradually gained prosperity. The landscape is one of the major kinds in traditional Chinese painting, mainly depicting great mountains and rivers in various places and the gorgeous natural landscape of China. Over the centuries, the growth of Chinese painting has reflected the change of time and social conditions. Nowadays, the classic Chinese traditional paintings are mainly collected and exhibited in art museums, and appreciated by tourists from China and abroad.




The Chinese dragon has long been a symbol of auspiciousness, and has an irreplaceable position in the mind of Chinese people who often call themselves “descendants of the dragon”. During the feudal period, the dragon used to serve as a symbol of the emperor and imperial authority. In modern society, it has gradually become a mascot which signifies growth, success, hard work and creativity. Considered beautiful, friendly and filled with wisdom, the dragon is believed to be able to bring good luck to ordinary people and prosperity to the country. It also symbolizes the harmony between human society and nature.


玉(jade)是一种天然的矿产,质地坚硬,色彩多样。古人认为玉能益寿延年、保佑平安,所以中国和亚洲其他国家的人们都喜欢佩戴玉制饰品。现代医学证明玉所含的矿物质的确有利于身体健康。中国许多地方都出产玉石,以新疆和田玉最为著名。在中国传统文化中,玉常常和高贵的品质联系在一起,而玉器工艺也表现出中国人民的聪明智慧和创造才能。因此,北京奥运会奖牌使用了“金镶玉”(jade inlaid)的制作工艺,向世界传播中国玉文化。


Jade is a natural mineral with hard texture and various colors. Ancient people believed that jade could prolong life and keep the wearer safe, so the people of China and other Asian countries like wearing jade accessories. Modern medicine proves that the minerals contained in jade are really beneficial to health. Many places in China produce jade, and the most famous is Hetian jade in Xinjiang. In traditional Chinese culture jade is often related with noble quality and jade craft shows the wisdom and creativity of Chinese people. Therefore, medals of Beijing Olympic Games were made by using the craft of jade inlaid to spread Chinese jade culture to the world.




Porcelain, which originated in China, is a great contribution of Chinese to the world civilization. In English, the word“china”,which means porcelain,is the same as “China”, the country's name.This phenomenon fully indicates that exquisite china can be the symbol of China. Porcelain is quite valuable for its beauty and strength. One thousand years before the Europeans grasped porcelain manufacturing techniques,Chinese people had been able to make sophisticated chinaware.When talking about porcelain, we have to mention Jingdezhen, which is famous for porcelain and reputed as the“Porcelain Capital”.The porcelain products of Jingdezhen enjoy a good reputation all over the world for their fine workmanship,beautiful design delicate patterns and attractive colors.


秧歌(the Yangko dance)是几百年前农民在稻田里劳作时创作的一种传统的中国民间舞蹈。扭秧歌时,舞者跟随音乐节奏(rhythm)扭动身体,步伐夸张,将古老的故事以一种新的形式呈现给观众。热闹的场面、丰富的舞蹈语言、兴高采烈的手势和生动的表演形式使得秧歌深受中国人民的喜爱。每逢重大节日,人们都会自发地举办秧歌表演。在场的所有人都聚精会神地观看演出,欣赏和感受着舞者的感情,全然忘记了自己生活中的烦恼。


The Yangko dance is a traditional Chinese folk dance created by farmers when they worked in the rice fields hundreds of years ago. During the dance, the dancers sway their bodies to musical rhythms and walk at an exaggerated pace to present old stories to the audience in a new style. Thanks to its jolly scene, abundant dance language, exuberant gestures, and vivid performing style, it is always favored by the Chinese. People will organize Yangko dance performances spontaneously whenever there is a grand festival. All the people present are concentrating on the performance, appreciating and sharing the feelings of the dancers, and forgetting the troubles in their own life.


孔雀舞(peacock dance)是傣族(Dai ethnic group)最广泛流传的古代舞蹈之一,同时也是傣族最受喜爱的舞蹈。对傣族来说,孔雀象征着好运、幸福、美丽和诚实,所以跳孔雀舞是为了歌颂美好的生活,表达对幸福生活的美好的祝愿。孔雀舞主要在傣历的新年-泼水节(the Water-splashing Festival)、关门节(the Gate Closing Festival)、开门节(the Gate Opening Festival)和一些重要的宗教活动上表演。他们通过跳优雅的孔雀舞来祈求和平与幸福。


The peacock dance is one of the most widespread ancient dances and also the best-loved dance of the Dai ethnic group. To the Dai people, the peacock is a symbol of good luck, happiness, beauty and honesty. So to perform this dance is to present a eulogy of the good life and express good wishes for a happy life. It is mostly performed on the New Year (Water-splashing Festival) of the Dai calendar, at the Gate Closing Festival, the Gate Opening Festival and some important religious events. They pray for peace and happiness with graceful peacock dancing.




Square dance is the biggest system in the art of dance. It is so named because in most cases people gather in squares. With self-entertainment and performability integrated as a whole, its main form of performance is group dancing, and its main purpose is to entertain both the mind and the body. Square dance is organized by people voluntarily in public places, and the participants are mostly middle-aged and elderly people, most of whom are women. Square dance is created by the people and belongs to the people. The forms of square dance vary due to different nationalities, areas, and groups.































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