

互联网 2023-11-28 16:20
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北斗卫星导航系统(Bei Dou Navigation Satellite System)是中国自主开发的全球卫星导航系统。该系统的投入运行使中国成为继美国和俄罗斯之后第三个拥有自己的卫星导航系统的国家。该系统具有导航、定位和授时(timing)的功能,已经成功应用于测绘(surveying and mapping)、电信、渔业、交通运输、森林防火、减灾救灾和国家安全等领域。北斗卫星导航系统的应用产生了显著的经济和社会效益,在北京奥运会中发挥了非常重要的作用。目前该系统已经提供了覆盖亚太地区的服务。


Bei Dou Navigation Satellite System is a global navigation satellite system which was independently developed by China. The operation of the system has made China the third country possessing its own satellite navigation system after the US and Russia. With the functions of navigation, positioning and timing, this system has been successfully applied in the fields of surveying and mapping, telecommunication, fishing, transportation, forest fire prevention, disaster reduction and rescue, national security, and so on. The application of Bei Dou Navigation Satellite System brought in substantial economic and social benefits. It played a particularly significant role in the Beijing Olympic Games. So far, the system has provided services for the Asian-Pacific region.
