朝代 dynasty
春秋时期 the Spring and Autumn Period
战国时期 the Warring States Period
三国时期 the Three Kingdoms Period
古都 ancient capital
皇帝/君主 emperor;monarch
永相/宰相 prime minister
政治家 statesman
历史人物 historic figure
发祥地 birthplace
随着时间的推移 as time goes by
追溯到 to date back to; to be traced back to···
起源于 to originate in/from
繁荣 prosper/flourish/boom
文化遗产 cultural heritage
古代文明 ancient civilization
风俗习惯 custom
中华民族 the Chinese nation
民间习俗 folk custom
象征意义 symbolic meaning
国宝 national treasure
文物 cultural relics
文人 scholar; the intellectual
民间故事 folk tale
传说 legend
禁忌 taboo
公历/阳历 solar calendar
农历/阴历 lunar calendar
庆祝 celebrate
习俗 tradition; convention; custom
年夜饭 annual reunion dinner
亲朋好友 relatives and friends
春联 spring couplets
灯笼/花灯 (festival) lantern
中国结 Chinese knot
爆竹 firecrackers; fireworks
民间艺术 folk art
民间艺人 folk artist
传统工艺 traditional handicraft
工匠/手工艺人 craftsman
剪纸 Chinese paper cutting
龙 dragon
凤 phoenix
京剧 Peking Opera
杂技 acrobatics
中国功夫 Chinese Kung Fu/martial arts
汉字 Chinese character
书法 calligraphy
中国画 traditional Chinese painting
四大发明 the Four Great Inventions of ancient China
中医 traditional Chinese medicine
中国菜 Chinese cuisine; Chinese food
元宵 sweet sticky rice dumplings
原材 ingredient
调料 seasoning; dressing
华东 East China
华南 South China
中西部地区 central and western regions;mid-west
黄河 the Yellow River
长江 the Yangtze River
景点 tourist attraction; scenic spot
中外游客 tourists from home and abroad
名胜古迹 places of interests
避暑胜地 summer resort
自然景观 natural scenery
门票 entrance ticket
保存最完好的 best-preserved
省会 provincial capital
丰富知识 to enrich one’ s knowledge
开阔视野 to broaden one’ s horizons
被誉为 be honored/crowned as
占据重要地位 to play a significant role;to have/occupy a significant place
推广中国文化 to promote Chinese culture
蓬勃发展 to flourish
欢度 ······to celebrate······;thecelebration of······
位于 be located in/at
继承 to inherit
经济稳定 economic stability
经济政策 economic policy
经济学家 economist
经济增长率 economic growth rate
不发达的 underdeveloped
发展中的 developing
经济全球化 economic globalization
市场经济 market economy
优化经济结构 to optimize the economic structure
改善经济环境 to improve economic environment
扩大内需 to expand domestic demand
开放国内市场 to open domestic market
缩小贫富差距 to narrow the gap between the rich and poor
中国特色社会主义 socialism with Chinese characteristics
民族 majority ethnic group
少数民族 ethnic minority
小康社会 well-off society
物质文化 material civilization
精神文化 spiritual civilization
医疗保险 medical insurance
农民工 migrant worker
独生子女 the only child in family
教育公平 fairness/equality in education
应试教育 examination-oriented education
九年义务教育 nine-year compulsory education
高考 college entrance examination
高等教育 higher education
受过良好教育的 well-educated
环境保护 environmental protection
环境问题 environmental problem/issue
环境污染 environmental pollution
全球变暖 global warming
温室效应 greenhouse effect
雾霾天气 smog weather
可再生资源 renewable resources
濒临灭绝/失传 to be on the verge of extinction/loss
信息革命 information revolution
人工智能 artificial intelligence (Al)
信息时代 information age
创新 innovation
改革开放 reform and opening-up
可持续发展 sustainable development
一国两制 One Country, Two Systems
一个中国原则 the one-China principle
法制国家 a country with an adequate legal system
科教兴国 national rejuvenation through science and education
推行可持续发展战略 to pursue the strategy of sustainable development
坚持···的方针 to adhere to the principle of···
违反规定 to violate a rule/regulation
与时俱进 to keep pace with the time