


亲爱的朋友(Dear Friends, Fellow classmates)

dear friends, fellow classmates, the exciting moment, i am convinced, must remain vivid in our mind, when beijing, the capital of china, was proclaimed the final winner to host the olympic games in 2008 by chairman of the international olympic committee. time flies, and the new olympics is coming very soon! olympic games, held every four years, boast a long history and offer rare opportunities for different nations to get together, which are far more than sports contests participated by professional h olympics, new world records are set, resilient sportsmanship is highlighted, sport-related industries spring up and international goodwill and exchange get greatly college students, we ought to contribute our share to the imminent olympic games with responsibility of citizenship as well as focused knowledge. for instance, it is advisable to give voluntary lectures to popularize olympic knowledge and environmental awareness in some residential areas. and we are looking forward to your suggestions and participation!

how to make friends

a proverb says“one man is not good enough to live alone in the world .”indeed , the re are many things in life which we alone cannot perform . we need f riends’ help . friends ar e people who willingly and readily help us when we a re in t rouble, and show sympathy for us when we ar e in misery .

the benefits of f riends hip a re boundles s and sometimes invisible . for example , when we have passed the graduation examination and a re looking for a job , we need expe rienced and r eliable friends to guide us and help u s on our way . a good f riend is also an adviser , becau se our own points of view towards things may not be always right . t her efore, it is neces sary for us to seek advice from f riend s .

of cour se, we can make f riends everywhe re . however , i think the best place is school , whe re we a re among a big number of boys and girls our own age, so it is easy to get to know one another in a shor t time . besides , we can also make friends among the people who work with u s in the community .

in order to make f riends , we ourselves must be honest , noble-minded and kind-hea rt ed whereby to leave a favour able impression on other s since other people observe us the same way as we do .

at the same time, we should avoid bad f riends , because they always do harm to us , and moreover , they are dangerous to the people a round . what is even worse, they ma r our friendship with good f riends .indeed, seeking acquaint ance with bad f riend s would be a serious mistake .

·gener al comment———人人都需要朋友

·argument (1 )———真心的友谊好处无穷

·argument (2 )———学校是最好的交友场所

·argument (3 )———要交好朋友, 自身须具备良好的素质

·argument (4 )———交坏朋友将会造成严重错误


本文是一篇议论文, 论述了交友之道。作者认为朋友必不可少, 有朋友就有友谊, 有友谊就有好处。在同时, 作者也告诫人们要交朋友必先自身具备良好素质。最后作者警告人们交友要慎重, 不要交坏朋友。


prove rb n . 谚语

s how sympathy for 对⋯⋯表示同情

boundless benefits 无穷的好处

reliable a . 可靠的

seek advice from 向⋯⋯征求意见

leave an impression on 给⋯⋯留下印象

seek acquaintance with 与⋯⋯交友

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