

小郭413 2020-12-17 17:00
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英语四级作文题目1∶ On Card Slave


  1. 目前出现许多年轻人变成卡奴现象 2. 出现这一现象的原因 3. 我对这一现象的看法和建议作文范文∶On Card Slave

  As people change the patterns of consumption, it is common for people to have several cards. Then Card slave is coined.Card slave refers to people who can only pay the minimum balance on their credit card debt every month.Many youngsters fall under the so-called card- slave category.

  The reason behind card slaves varies.The fierce competition among banks, Chinese or foreign,encourages them tolurecustomers to hold morecredit cards.Unfortunately,some card holders, especillyoungsters with large shopping addictions and smallsalaries, have outstanding credit card debts and gradually became card slaves after reaching their credit card limit on luxury items.Due to their meager salaries,they always live on theedge of bankruptcy.

  In my opinion,people should manage their financial affis.First, only choose the credit cards that suit you the most.Secondly,manage yourcards properly.Get some good tips from internet and follow them. Thirdly increase income and avoid excessive expenses.These tips will helpyoukeep away from the danger of becoming acard slave.

英语四级作文题目2∶ Free Admission to Parks

  1. 越来越多的公园免费开放,目的是什么 2. 也会带来一些问题 3. 你的看法【范文】

  Free Admission to Parks

  To encourage people to go outside and relax, a mounting number of parks offer free admission now.People benefit from it especially during these tough economic times. With free entry,more people will have the opportunity for affordable vacations for families, taking pleasure in the natural landscape.

  Fresh air and landscapes in parks are good for people.However,too many people flocking into parks might not be so good for the parks.

  For example,some visitors leave their garbage behind, which may cause environmental polltion.And peoples barbeques and stamping willalso bring damage to the grassland and other greeneries in parks.

  As auniversity student, Im in favor of free admission to parks.Free entry to parks not only saves peoples expenditure,but also makes things fairer people like the poor and students can go to parks frequently as well.On the other hand, visitors should be informed to preserve the environment while enjoying the beauty of the nature.

英语四级作文题目3∶ The Internet

  1. 有人认为网络可以让学习、工作更有效率 2. 有人却认为网络让青少年沉迷 ,影响学习 3. 我的看法【范文】The Internet

  In the era of information and technology,the Internet plays an important role in our society.However,peoples opinions arestill divided on this point.Those who are in favor of the Internet claim that it has alot of advantages.Firsty,information searching is nolonger a toughjob with the help of all inds of searchengines.Secondly,wecancontact friends or business partners via e-mails or software such as Internet Meeting and YahooMessenger.

  Those who are opposed to the Internet hold that its disadvantages are numerous.In the first place,using the Internet costs considerable time,money and energy,especially for those with poor self-control.In the second place, increasingyoung people areindulged inonline games and unhealthy information, which are extremely harmful to their development.

  In my opinion, its pros outweigh the cons.The past twenty years have witnessed thefast development of theInternet along with the national economy.A brighter future is awaiting us if we make good use of the Internet.

 英语四级作文题目4∶ Group Purchasing


  2. 团购有很多好处,但也有不少问题 3. 我的建议作文范文∶ Group Purchasing

  In recent years,a new type of online shopping is rapidly gaining popularity group purchasing, which was originally introduced from foreign countries but is now widely accepted all over China.People can buy not only goods,but alsoall kinds of services on group purchasing sites.

  Group purchasing is very convenient, and saves people alot ofmoney.But italso has some problems. Since group purchasing is nothing more than another form of online shopping, the nature of it is no dfferent from other online shopping pattens.Problemsthat exist in online shopping also can be found in group purchasing, like deceptive advertisements or poor after-sale services.

  In my opinion, we should treat group purchasing as a way of shopping and nothing more.We must be carefulnot to buy something we dont need only to fllow the fashion.

