本次听力考试文章来源于每日邮报,卫报,Good News Network,BBC官网等报纸或网站。主题包括生物入侵(新闻1)、空气污染(新闻2)、人生转折(新闻3)商务咨询(长对话1)、室内装潢(长对话2)、医疗卫生(短文1)、慈善事业(短文2)与航天科技(短文3)。
本次听力音频男子为英式发音,女子为美式发音,语速正常,听力难度普遍偏小,出现了少量较难听懂的专有名词如the Mediterranean(地中海),Anne Hidalgo(现任巴黎市长),Puerto Princesca(菲律宾城市),The Pearl of Allah(“老子之珠”),",sans-serif"="">ReBicycle(一个慈善机构),",sans-serif"="">NASA(美国航空航天局);以及少量难度词汇invasive(侵入的),rundown(破旧的,失修的),monstrous(巨大的),intact(完整的),occurrence(发生的事情)等
1. 文章开头。例如,新闻1中Question 5:What is reported in the news?(这篇新闻报道了什么?)的答案对应了文章开头一句话:A poisonous fish which has a sting strong enough to kill a human is invading the Mediterranean, warned scientists.(科学家发出警示,一种有带足以杀人的强壮鱼刺的鱼类正在入侵地中海。);再如,新闻2中Question 3:What will happen on World Car Free Day in Paris?(在“世界无车日”这天,巴黎会发生什么?)对应了文章开头第一句:Almost half the centre of Paris will be accessible only by foot or bicycle this Sunday to mark World Car-Free Day.(这周日,巴黎市中心接近一半的区域将只会允许步行和自行车进入,以此来纪念“世界无车日”。)
2. 文章结尾。例如:长对话2中Question 11:What does the woman suggest doing to help the man’s company?(女人建议了什么来帮助男人的公司?)对应了文章结尾倒数第二句:I will suggest that you let us first conduct a financial analysis of your company, together with the analysis of your competitors in India.(我会建议你让我们先汇总你们在印度的竞争对手的分析,来进行你们公司的财政分析。)再如,短文2的Question 25:What did the scientists find about the mice from the experiment?(科学家从实验中的老鼠身上发现了什么?)就直接对应了对话的最后一句The study showed that the mice kept much of their routines intact, including cleaning themselves and eating when hungry.(研究显示,老鼠大部分的生活习惯都保持完善,包含个人卫生和饿了吃饭。)
3. 提示词。例如,新闻2中,最高级表达词组the most polluted city(污染最严重的城市),所在的句子是Question 3:What will happen on World Car Free Day in Paris?(在“世界无车日”这天,巴黎会发生什么?)的答案句;再如,新闻3中最高级表达词组the biggest pearl in the world(世界上最大的珍珠)所在的句子是Q7:What did the fisherman learn from the tourist agent?(渔夫从旅行代理商那里得知了什么?)的答案所在句;又如,短文3中Q23:What does the passage say about the mice at the beginning of the experiment?(实验开始阶段,关于老鼠们这篇文章说了什么?)的答案句中包含了提示词at the beginning of the experiment;Q24:What was observed about the mice on the 11th day of the experiment?(在实验的第11天,科学家们观察到了老鼠的什么?)的答案句中包含了提示词the 11th day。
1. 主旨大意把握。例如,新闻1的Question 1:What is reported in the news?(新闻报道了什么?)以及短文2的Question 21: What do we learn from the passage about the ReBicycle?(关于ReBicycle 我们能从文章中知道什么?)
2. 细节定位。比如,新闻3后6: What was the fisherman forced to do?(渔夫迫不得已做了什么?);又如,长对话1后Question 13:Where did the man get his ideas for the project?(男人从哪里得到他的想法的?);再如 2的Question 11:What does the woman suggest doing to help the man’s company? (女人建议了什么来帮助男人的公司?)
3. 考察原因。例如,短文1的Question 18:What is generally believed to account for children putting things in their ears or noses?(人们普遍认为什么导致了孩子往耳洞和鼻孔里放东西?)。
4. 考察目的。比如,新闻2后面的Question 4:What motivated the mayor of Paris to promote the first World Car Free Day in her city?(什么激发了巴黎市长在她的城市里提倡第一个“世界无车日”?)。又如,长对话2后面的Question 15:Why does the woman invite the man to her house next week?(女人为什么要求男人下周去她家里?)
5. 重要信息抓取。新闻1后面的Question2:What is the environmentalists’ concern of the spread of Devil Firefish in the Mediterranean?(喷火鬼鱼在地中海区域扩散,环境学家的担忧是什么?)再如,长对话2后面的Question 10:What is the main problem with the man’s company?(男人公司的主要问题是什么?);又如,短文2的Question 20:What is ReBicycle doing to help those in need?(ReBicycle正在做什么来帮助有需要的人?)