

小郭413 2020-11-02 10:31
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  History teaches us that tough times call for BIG IDEAS. Inspirational, forward-looking, optimistic, daring ventures the whole country can get behind. Which is why I am proposing that we relocate the capital of England to Tamworth in Staffordshire. Here are 5 reasons why.


  Building a new capital city from scratch will create a cultural magnetism, attracting the world's finest artists and architects. Something called the "Tamworth Style" will evolve, with characteristic attributes. Popular musicians will forge a new sound. Tambeat, dubworth, whatever, once New Tamworth's up and running it'll be like a cross between medieval Florence and Soho in the 60s. Cultural capital: not just somewhere to live in a dynamic future England, but also a kind of societal currency, maybe with Adele's head on it.


  Any major move is an opportunity to chuck out the clutter and rationalise. Here's a chance to separate church and state, to merge religion and science, to reconcile atheists and those with a sense of humour, and to appoint a lesbian Archbishop of Tamworth.

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  Moving the capital to the middle of the country means an end to the reverse Upstairs, Downstairs that has the poshos underneath the skivvies. Greater Tamworth – a Big Fat Classless Wedding.


  After years of stubbornly blanking all those smug miserabilists from the hot weather brigade, I concede they may have a point. However, their "dire warnings" that temperatures will rise by two or three degrees in the next

  years simply means everyone in London should move 100 miles north. Come on up, there's rain and everything.

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  Forget the other arguments, convincing though they are. This, in the end, is how marvellous things are achieved against the odds. The DNA double helix, penicillin, the internet. These were all discovered by people "having a laugh". Abandoning London to the heritage and leisure industries and whacking up a Brasilia of the Potteries is just who we are. The future's on its way. I vote for a return to blind optimism.


  A. Give me five

  B. Cultural renaissance.

  C. Spiritual renewal.

  D. No more north-south divide.

  E. Climate shift.

  F. For a laugh.

  G. Keep moving

