


这里来介绍一下葡式蛋挞正确的名字,英语里通常是叫它 Portuguese custard tart,也就是“葡萄牙奶油挞”

而它在葡萄牙本土的名字有两个,普遍的叫法是 pastéis de nata,意思是“奶油蛋挞”;它的另一个名字是 pastéis de Belém,意思是“伯利恒蛋挞”,这个名字主要是用在里斯本,因为这种甜点的确切发源地就是里斯本的伯利恒区。

里斯本正宗的 pastéis de Belém,图片来源:


The pastéis de nata were created by Catholic monks at the Hieronymites Monastery in the civil parish of Belém, in Lisbon. Following the extinction of the religious orders and in the face of the impending closure of many of the convents and monasteries in the aftermath of the Liberal Revolution of 1820, the monks started selling pastéis de nata at a nearby sugar refinery to bring in some revenue. In 1834, the monastery was closed and the recipe was sold to the sugar refinery, whose owners in 1837 opened the Fábrica de Pastéis de Belém(English:Belem Cakes Factory). The descendants own the business to this day.



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