

Over the years, H&M has driven crowds of customers to its till points with designer collaborations from Kenzo to Karl Lagerfeld and Erdem.
数年来,H&M联合Kenzo、Karl Lagerfeld 还有设计师Erdem推出的合作款吸引了无数消费者。

However, the Swedish retail giant is yet to join forces with a lingerie brand.

This summer, H&M is launching its first underwear collaboration, with the trailblazing Amsterdam-based Love Stories.
今夏, H&M宣布将首次与内衣品牌Love Stories合作,首次推出内衣系列。Love Stories是一家荷兰阿姆斯特丹的内衣品牌。

A brand that hit the scene in 2013, Love Stories is well-known for its eclectic prints, super-comfortable designs and mix-and-match approach to underwear – all featured in this new line.

Designed together with H&M's in-house team, the new range features the distinctive print and colour combinations of Love Stories, which its founder, MarloesHoedeman calls “perfect mismatches” – think leopard print, stars and bold florals mixed with lace, athletic stripes and ruffled edges.
所有产品均由H&M团队和Love Stories共同设计完成,具有鲜明的Love Stories印花与色彩组合。创始者Hoedeman将之称为“完美的混搭”,他认为豹纹、星星与怒放的鲜花和蕾丝、运动条纹以及褶边搭配在一起。

The colour palette consists of dusky pink, black and olive green, and everything can be effortlessly mixed and matched to suit any mood or fit your personal style.

“Lingerie has always been an important part of fashion. With this collaboration, we really want to show that lingerie can be just as fun and expressive as clothes even if it's not always on view, and therefore Love Stories was the perfect fit,” she said.
“内衣一直都是时尚的重要组成部分。借助这次合作,我们希望告诉人们即使内衣通常'隐而不见',它们依然可以像其他服装那样充满趣味和表现力,就这点来看,Love Stories是我们的完美搭档。

“We've long admired Marloes for her energy, her drive and, of course, her designs, so we're thrilled to be doing this together.

The H&M x Love Stories collaboration will be available in selected stores worldwide as well as online from 9 August.
此次H&M x Love Stories的合作系列从8月9日开始线上线下同时开售。
