犯罪心理第六季第1集: 长夜漫漫
剧情简介:继续上一季留下的悬念,在洛城一名连环杀手枪杀Spicer警探并绑架了他的女儿作人质后,Hotch带领侧写小组锁定了凶犯的位置并将其重重包围,这个变态又会怎样困兽犹斗呢?(小编:T^T 珍惜能看到JJ的日子吧,本季JJ只出现前两集就会离开...)
Criminal Minds
Season 6 Episode 1 The Longest Night (Part 2)
Airs: September 20, 2010
The BAU team closes in on the serial killer as he continues his murder spree throughout Los Angeles - with Detective Spicer's kidnapped daughter as his hostage - in the conclusion of last season's cliffhanger.