
英语口语三字通 第026-030期

2010-07-14 13:03
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I'll bet. 我敢打赌。

- I can eat two dozen eggs. 我可以吃两打鸡蛋。
- I'll bet. 我跟你赌。
- You don't believe me? 你不信?
- No one can eat two dozen eggs. 不信,没有人能吃那么多鸡蛋。

- I'll bet she'll win the game. 我敢打赌这场比赛她赢定了。
- How do you know? 你怎么知道?
- Because she got the correct answer before. 因为她事前就已拿到参考答案了。

I'm busy. 我很忙。(=My hands are tied.)
反义词:I'm free. / I'm available.

- Can you help me with this? 你能帮帮我吗?
- I'm busy. Can it wait a minute? 我现在很忙。你能等一会吗?
- Sure. No rush. 没问题,我不急。

- Can I talk to you? 我能跟你谈谈吗?
- Sorry, I'm busy. 对不起,我没时间啊。
- It's important. 这可是个重大新闻啊。
- I saw your boyfriend was kissing a hot girl. 我看见你男朋友在亲一个辣妹。
- What did you say! 你在说什么呢!

I'm nervous. 我好紧张啊!(=I'm uneasy. / I'm upset.)

- It's your turn to show on the stage. 轮到你上台表演了。
- I'm nervous. 我好紧张呦!

- I heard that you are going to have a baby tomorrow. 我听说你明天就要生了。
- Yes. But I'm nervous. 是啊。但是我紧张得都快要不行了。

Not now. 现在不行。

- May I ask you something? 我可以问你一些事吗?
- Not now. I'm reading this draft. 现在不行,我正在看图纸呢!
- But it's important. 但很重要啊!
- Okay. What is it? 好吧,什么事?

- Mom, can I go swimming? 妈,我可以去游泳吗?
- Not now. You must study. 你必须得先把作业写完,现在不行。
- Study? Not now. I want to swim. 学习?现在才不呢!我想去游泳。
- I said, not now! 我说现在不行就不行!

Not yet. 不,还没。

- Have you finished your homework? 你家庭作业写完了吗?
- Not yet. 还没呢。
- Do it now. Then you can watch TV. 现在快做,写完后才可以看电视。
- Right after this program. 看完这个节目再说啦。

- Have you found the car keys? 你找到车钥匙了吗?
- Not yet. 还没。
- Be quick! I'll be late for work. 快点!我上班要迟到了。
- Why not take the bus instead? 那你为什么不坐大巴呢?

相关热点: 英语定语从句