<听写方式: 填写缺失的部分,不用带数字序号>
A: Okay. Where would you put a measuring cup if you were a crazy woman from Oklahoma?
E: Can I just ask, why is Mr. Marin's mother staying with you if you guys aren't married anymore?
A: 1 I think she likes me more than her own son. Okay, why would you put a spatula in the same drawer as a glue gun?
E: This must be so weird for you.
A: Not really. She gave us a lawn mower for a wedding gift.
E: 2
A: Oh. That. Yeah, it's new territory. But I'm okay with it. Why are you okay having frozen dinner with me on a Friday night? Where's Samara?
E: That didn't work out.
A: Beyond repair?
E: I don't know. 3
A: I've had those. I hate to admit it, but if Hanna's father hadn't come back into town, I wouldn't have gotten mine answered. 4 Which really isn't fair to either one of you.
E: Yeah. I've done that more than once.
- 1
Believe it or not, we like each other a lot.
No, I mean knowing that the person you were married to is now marrying someone else.
There's still a lot of questions.
When the other person isn't there, sometimes we tend to make up their side of the conversation.