名词 国旗, 旗帜, 船旗, 军旗, 衣帽, 徽章, 绶带
come off with flying colours
haul down one's colours
lower one's colours
give sb his colours
put false colours upon
see sth in its true colours
show one's colours
show oneself in one's true colours
stick to one's colours
strike the colours
joun the colours
lay on the colours
with flying colours
haul down one's colours 偃旗息鼓,认输,投降
come off with flying colours 大获胜利 大告成功
lower one's colours 放弃要求, 投降
with flying colours 出色地, 成功地
stick to one's colours 坚持立场,恪守信念
show one's colours 露出真面目,原形毕露;摊牌,兜老底,兵戎相见,公开意图
strike one's colours 偃旗息鼓,认输,投降
flying colours n. 大胜利
show one's true colours 露出真面目
with the colours 在服兵役