


Section A

Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations.At the endof each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said.Both theconversation and the questions will be spoken only once.After each question there will bea pause.During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), D),and decide which is the best answer.Then mark the corresponding letter on AnswerSheet I with a single line through the centre.

1.A.She has completely recovered.

B.She went into shock after an operation.

C.She is still in a critical condition.

D.She is getting much better.

2.A.Ordering a breakfast.

B.Booking a hotel room.

C.Buying a train ticket.

D.Fixing a compartment.

3.A.Most borrowers never returned the books to her.

B.The man is the only one who brought her book back.

C.She never expected anyone to return the books to her.

D.Most of the books she lent out came back without jackets.

4.A.She left her work early to get some bargains last Saturday.

B.She attended the supermarket's grand opening ceremony.

C.She drove a full hour before finding a parking space.

D.She failed to get into the supermarket last Saturday.

5.A.He is bothered by the pain in his neck.

B.He cannot do his report without a computer.

C.He cannot afford to have a coffee break.

D.He feels sorry to have missed the report.

6.A.Only top art students can show their works in the gallery.

B.The gallery space is big enough for the man's paintings.

C.The woman would like to help with the exhibition layout.

D.The man is uncertain how his art works will be received.

7.A.The woman needs a temporary replacement for her assistant.

B.The man works in the same department as the woman does.

C.The woman will have to stay in hospital for a few days.

D.The man is capable of dealing with difficult people.

8.A.It was better than the previous one.

B.It distorted the mayor's speech.

C.It exaggerated the city's economic problems.

D.It reflected the opinions of most s.

Questions 9 to 12 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

9.A.To inform him of a problem they face.

B.To request him to purchase control desks.

C.To discuss the content of a project report.

D.To ask him to flX the dictating machine.

10.A.They quote the best price in the market.

B.They manufacture and sell office furniture.

C.They cannot deliver the steel sheets on time.

D.They cannot produce the steel sheets needed.

11.A.By marking down the trait price.

B.By accepting the penalty clauses.

C.By allowing more time for delivery.

D.By promising better after-sales service.

12.A.Give the customer a ten percent discount.

B.Claim compensation from the steel suppliers.

C.Ask the Buying Department to change suppliers.

D.Cancel the contract with the customer.

Questions 13 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.




D. .

14.A.Improve computer programming.

B.Explain certain natural phenomena.

C.Predict global population growth.

D.Promote national financial health.

15.A.Their different educational backgrounds.

B.Changing attitudes toward nature.

C.Chaos theory and its applications.

D.The current global economic crisis.

Section B

Directions : In this section, you will hear 3 short passages.At the end of each passage, you will hearsome questions.Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once.After youhear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), D ).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single linethrough the centre.

Passage One

Questions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard.

16.A.They lay great emphasis on hard work.

B.They name 150 star engineers each year.

C.They require high academic degrees.

D.They have people with a very high IQ.

17.A.Long years of job training.

B.High emotional intelligence.

C.Distinctive academic qualifications.

D.Devotion to the advance of science.

18.A.Good interpersonal relationships.

B.Rich working experience.

C.Sophisticated equipment.

D.High motivation.

Passage Two

Questions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard.

19.A.A diary.

B.A fairy tale.

C.A history textbook.

D.A biography.

20.A.He was a sports fan.

B.He loved adventures.

C.He disliked school.

D.He liked hair-raising stories.

21.A.Encourage people to undertake adventures.

B.Publicize his colorful and unique life stories.

C.Raise people's environmental awareness.

D.Attract people to America's national parks.

Passage Three

Questions 22 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard.

22.A.The first infected victim.

B.A coastal village in Africa.

C.The doctor who lust identified it.

D.A river running through the Congo.

23.A.They exhibit similar symptoms.

B.They can be treated with the same drug.

C.They have almost the same mortality rate.

D.They have both disappeared for good.

24.A.By inhaling air polluted with the virus.

B.By contacting contaminated body fluids.

C.By drinking water from the Congo River.

D.By eating food grown in Sudan and Zalre.

25.A.More strains will evolve from the Ebola virus.

B.Scientists will eventually fred cures for Ebola.

C.Another Ebola epidemic may erupt sooner or later.

D.Once infected, one will become immune to Ebola.

Section C

Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times.When the passage is read for the irst time, you should listen carefully for its general idea.When the passage is read forthe second time, you are required to fill in the blanks with the exact words you have justheard.Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what youhave written.

The ideal companion machine would not only look, feel, and sound friendly but would also beprogrammed to behave in an agreeable manner.Those(26)that make interaction with other peopleenjoyable would be simulated as closely as possible, and the machine would(27)charming,stimulating, and easygoing.Its informal conversational style would make interaction comfortable, andyet the machine would remain slightly(28)and therefore interesting.In its first encounter it might besomewhat hesitant and unassuming, but as it came to know the user it would progress to a more(29)and intimate style.The machine would not be a passive(30)but would add its ownsuggestions, information, and opinions; it would sometimes(31) developing or changing the topicand would have a personality of its own.

The machine would convey presence: We have all seen how a computer's use of personal namesoften(32)people and leads them to treat the machine as if it were almost human.Such features areeasily written into the software.By introducing(33) forcefulness and humor, the machine could bepresented as a vivid and unique character.

Friendships are not made in a day, and the computer would be more acceptable as a friend if it(34)the gradual changes that occur when one person is getting to know another.At an(35) timeit might also express the kind of affection that stimulates attachment and intimacy.


1.D)。未听先知.四个选项的主语均为She,且出现了recovered,operation,critical condition,getting much better,故推测本题考查的内容与某位女士的身体状况相关。




3.A)。未听先知.四个选项中均出现了book(S)一词,且出现了borrowers,returned,lent out等词,故推测本题考查的内容与借书、还书相关。




5.C)。未知先知.四个选项主语都是He,且出现了bothered,report,computer,coffee break,missed等词,故推测本题考查内容与男士的学习与休息相关。


6.A)。未知先知.选项中出现了art students,gallery,paintings,exhibition layout等词,故推测本题考查的内容与在画廊展出作品相关。






9.Why did the woman send the message to the man?


10.What does the woman say about the new suppliers?


11.How did the man get the contracts?


12.What does the woman suggest they do?


13.What is the woman’s profession?


14.What was chaos theory supposed to do when it Was first formulated?


15.What are the speakers mainly talking about?

C)。详解.在对话开头,男士就询问女士混沌理论对她工作的影响,女士对此进行了解释;男士又问混沌理论能够提供什么样的经济预测模型,女士对此也进行了解答;接着两人又谈论了经济预测是否可行,以及利用混沌理论进行经济预测与通过该理论预 测自然天象是否一样等内容,综合整篇对话的内容,可以归纳出两个人谈论的是混沌理论及其应用,故C)为答案。

16.What does the speaker say about Bell Labs?


17.What categorizes the stars nominated at Bell Labs?


18.What does the speaker say contributes to effectively pursuing a technical task?


19.What kind of book is the speaker introducing?


20.What do we learn about John Muir when he was young?


did John Muir intend to do through writing and speaking?,C)。详解.短文中提到缪尔通过写作与演讲让人们意识到环境保护的重要性,也促成了国家森林公园体系的建立,故C)为答案.

is Ebola viras named after?


do we learn about Ebola Zaire and Ebola Sudan?

A)。详解.短文中提到,人类感染的Ebola病毒有两种,分别是Ebola Zaire和Ebola Sudan,而且这两种病毒所导致的症状几乎完全相同,故A)为答案。

24.How did people get infected with the disease according to the speaker?


25.What does the speaker believe?C)。详解.短文末尾部分提到,Ebola病毒到目前为止,并没有消失,而且也没有找到合适的疫苗或是有效的治疗方法,因此,下一波病毒的爆发只是时问问题,即迟早还会爆发Ebola病毒,故C)为答案。


to be。详解.空格处应填入一个动词或系动词,与前面的would一同构成谓语,并连接后面的表语charming,stimulating,and easygoing。appear to be意为“看起来是,似乎是”。




the initiative in。详解.空格处应填入一个动词或动词短语,作句子的谓语。take the initiative in意为“采取主动;主动提起”。


33.a degree of.详解.空格处应填入一个形容词或能对后面的名词进行修饰限制的短语。a degree of意为“一定程度的”。

ted。详解.空格处应填人一个谓语动词,连接主语it和宾语the gradual changes。simulated意为“模拟,模仿”,由于这里用了虚拟语气,故用动词过去式。



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