



  For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay explaining why it is unwise to judge a person by their appearance. You can give explain to illustrate your point .You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.


  These days there is a general discussion about the issue of judging a person by their appearance. People’s opinions differ greatly concerning this phenomenon. Is it wise to judge a person by their appearance? It is definitely not.

  There are numerous reasons explaining this phenomenon. First and foremost, although good appearance is helpful to leave others a good impression in the first meeting, kindness and inner thought are the most important to make friends for all life time. Secondly, many facts reflect that some people with charming appearance make no successful events, while others without handsome appearance achieve a lot. Last but not the least, with the development of science and technology, plastic surgery can change ones appearance, so maybe the people with sourness only alter their appearance but not develop their virtue.

  Admittedly, it is unwise to judge a person by their appearance. So people should have more communication with others to find the beauty of their inner thought.


  There is an old saying that people never judge a book from its cover. From my point of view, this saying also applies to our attitudes towards others: never judge a person from their appearance. Because you never know one person’s true merits if only judging from their appearance.

  It is true that an attractive appearance is of great significance not only for daily life but also for the job. However, it is unwise to judge one person by the appearance for the following reasons. On the one hand, with the advancement of science technology and medical level, people can transform their surface by all means. On the other hand, the appearance should not be the merely criteria for judging an individual, considering that are more important factors, including Courteous, kind-hearted, honest and so on.

  In conclusion, it is unadvisable to judge a person by their appearance. That’s why I assert that we should pay more attention to one's inward and place high value on inner cultivation.


  As old people always put it, "Never judge a book by its cover." However, in most cases, we judge a person just by external appearances. For example, sometimes when we walk down the street at night, we choose to avoid people who are acting tough and loud. In this way we tend to make wrong decisions, because judging someone by appearance can be deceptive.

  In dairy life, we try to stay away from people who are called the "bad guy" because they dress a certain way. But we may miss an opportunity to make a good friend, because judgments based on external appearances prevent us from getting to really know a person. If we take the time to get to know the person, we might become friends.

  Therefore, in my opinion, judging people just by appearance is superficial and often unfair. After all, we don't know what circumstances the person might be facing or who the person really is. Please embrace everyone you meet and not judge him just by appearances.


  There is a Chinese saying goes like this: men cannot be judged by their looks. I cannot agree with this point of view any more.

  On the one hand, though a charming appearance will leave a good impression on others, one’s look can seldom reflects his or her qualities, capacities and ethics. We cannot say those who are good-looking are more capable and more cultivated than those who are average-looking or ugly-looking. There are so many people who do not have good appearances have made great achievements for the progress of mankind, such as Stephen William Hawking who are even crippled. On the other hand, our appearances are decided by our genes, which are inborn, while our qualities can be cultivated as we grow. We can enrich our minds by learning, but which cannot be reflected on the appearances.

  To summarize, judging people by appearance is unwise. Therefore I suggest that we should focus on one’s inner world rather than their appearance.


  In recent years, there has been a widely-held feeling towards evaluating a person on the basis of his/her appearance. On the surface, it may seem a sound idea, but on closer analysis we find it unscientific and unconvincing. There are numerous reasons for this argument, but I shall here explore only one of the most important ones.

  We can never judge a person by his/herexternal appearance because no one is able to gain a full appreciation of a person merely by it. One’s good impression on others does not usually develop from the way one looks, but the inner qualities one possesses. For example, the virtues of the Chinese people are regarded as beautiful, because they have helped to produce such a magnificent culture in the world.

  From what have been discussed ablve, we may draw the conclusion that we should adopt appropriate standards to estimate persons, like their inner qualities or practical actions.

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