


  Part II Listening Comprehension (30 minutes)

  Section B

  Directions: In this section, you will hear two passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear three or four questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.


  Passage One

  Questions 9 to 11 are based on the passage you have just heard.

  9. A) It might affect mothers' health.

  B) It might disturb infants' sleep.

  C) It might increase the risk of infants, death.

  D) It might increase mothers' mental distress.

  10. A) Mothers who breast-feed their babies have a harder time falling asleep.

  B) Mothers who sleep with their babies need a little more sleep each night.

  C) Sleeping patterns of mothers greatly affect their newborn babies' health.

  D) Sleeping with infants in the same room has a negative impact on mothers.

  11. A) Change their sleep patterns to adapt to their newborn babies'.

  B) Sleep in the same room but not in the same bed as their babies.

  C) Sleep in the same house but not in the same room as their babies.

  D) Take precautions to reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome.

  Passage Two

  Questions 12 to 15 are based on the passage you have just heard.

  12. A) A lot of native languages have already died out in the US.

  B) The US ranks first in the number of endangered languages.

  C) The efforts to preserve Indian languages have proved fruitless.

  D) More money is needed to record the native languages in the US.

  13. A) To set up more language schools.

  B) To document endangered languages.

  C) To educate native American children.

  D) To revitalise America's native languages.

  14. A) The US govemment's policy of Americanising Indian children.

  B) The failure of American Indian languages to gain an official status.

  C) The US government's unwillingness to spend money educating Indians.

  D) The long-time isolation of American Indians from the outside world.

  15. A) It is being utilised to teach native languages.

  B) It tells traditional stories during family time.

  C) It speeds up the extinction of native languages.

  D) It is widely used in language immersion schools.

  Section B听力答案



  Section B答案解析

  Passage One

  9 What is the long-held view about mothers sleeping with newborn babies?

  [C]【解析】录音首句就指出,多年来妈妈们一直被警告,与新生儿睡在一起不好,因为这会增加婴儿夜间意外死亡的风险,由此可选定 C 项。

  【干扰项排除】①选项主语均为 It,且根据选项关键词 mother, infants 等可推测题目询问某事对妈妈、婴儿的影响。②A 项“它可能影响妈妈的健康”是以色列研究者得出的最新发现,而不是长期以来的一种观点;B 项“它可能妨碍婴儿睡眠”和 D 项“它可能使妈妈精神上更加苦闷”在短文中未提及。

  10 What do Israeli researchers' findings show?

  [D]【解析】以色列研究者发现,即使与婴儿睡在同一个房间,也会对妈妈产生负面影响,D 项中的 impact 是文中 consequence 的同义替换,为正确答案。

  【干扰项排除】①根据选项关键词 mothers、babies、 sleep 等可推测题目询问的是关于睡眠与妈妈或婴儿的关系。②录音中只是提到很多被调查的妈妈都是母乳喂养,并没有提及母乳喂养对妈妈睡眠的影响,A 项“母乳喂养的妈妈入睡更困难”没有依据;录音指出,与婴儿一起睡影响妈妈睡眠,B 项“与婴儿一起睡的妈妈每晚需要更多睡眠”属于过度推断;录音中只是提及爸爸的睡眠模式可能影响妈妈,但是 C 项“妈妈的睡眠模式极大地影响新生儿的健康”在短文中并未提及。

  11 What does the American Academy of Pediatrics recommend mothers do?

  [B]【解析】为了减少婴儿猝死的风险,美国儿科学会建议妈妈们不要跟婴儿同床睡,但可以睡在一个房间,所以选 B 项。

  【干扰项排除】①选项均为原形动词短语,推测问题可能与行为、动作有关。②A 项“改变睡眠模式以适应她们的新生宝宝”并不是儿科学会建议的内容;C 项“与宝宝睡在同一个家,但不同的房间”不符合美国儿科学会的建议;D 项“采取预防措施以减少婴儿猝死的风险”属过度推断,录音中没有涉及预防措施。

  Passage Two

  12 What do we learn from the report?

  [A]【解析】短文讲的是很多美国本土语言濒临灭绝的困境,第一句话就指出,美国已经丢失了超过 1/3 的本土语言,由此可选定 A 项“美国很多本土语言已经灭绝”。

  【干扰项排除】①根据选项关鍵词 native languages, US, died out, preserve 等可推测题目与美国本土语言的困境有关。②美国现有 192 种语言濒临灭绝,但录音并未提及这个数字为世界之最,B 项“美国濒危语言的数量最多”属过度推断;美国印第安人国家博物馆的 Fred Nahwooksy 说,让这些濒危语言回归到日常使用正在进展当中,可排除 C 项“保护印第安语的努力被证明是徒劳的”;Fred Nahwooksy 也说到“我们需要需要钱使这些语言复活,而不仅仅是记录它们”,所以 D 项“需要更多的钱来记录美国的本土语言”可排除。

  13 For what purpose does Fred Nahwooksy appeal for more funding?

  [D]【解析】录音中引用美国原住民博物馆的 Fred 的话说“我们需要更多的资金并付出更大的努力以让这些语言重新回到日常使用中来……需要钱使这些语言复活,而不仅仅是记录它们”,可选定 D 项。

  【干扰项排除】①选项均为不定式,推测问题与行为动作或目的相关。②A 项“建立更多的语言学校”属过度推断,文中指出通过学校教育可以拯救这些濒危语言,但没有提及创建更多新学校;B 项“记录濒危语言”是现有的做法,不是 Nahwooksy 呼吁的目的;C 项“教育美国土著孩子”是拯救濒危语言取得成效的途径之一,不是目的,也与更多资金没有直接的关联。

  14 What is the historical cause of the decline in the American Indian Languages?

  [A]【解析】美国印第安语言的衰落有其历史根源:在 19 世纪中叶,美国政府采取了美国化印第安儿童的政策,即将印第安人的孩子赶出他们的家园,将他们与其文化隔绝。由此,可选定 A 项。

  【干扰项排除】①根据选项关键词 American, US government, Indian 等可推测问题与美国印第安人的情况有关。②B 项“美国印第安语没有取得官方地位”、C 项“美国政府不愿花钱教育印第安人”和 D“印第安人长期与外界隔绝”均利用个别原词拼凑而成,录音中都未提及。

  15 What does the speaker say about television?

  [C]【解析】就电视对于本土语言的危害,短文末尾指出,电视将英语带入家庭,挤掉传统的家庭讲故事时间,从而加速了本土语言的灭绝。C 项中的 speed up 与该句中的 accelerating 同义,为答案。

  【干扰项排除】①选项均以 It 开头,且根据关键词 native languages 可预测问题关于某物与本土语言的关系。②A 项“它被利用来教授本土语言”和 D 项“它被广泛用于浸润式语言学校”在短文中均没有提及;而 B 项“它在家庭聚会时间讲传统故事”与短文说法相悖,在家庭聚会时间讲传统故事是被电视挤掉的事情。

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