



  一、尊师重教在中国有着悠久的传统。自古以来,中华民族都把教育放在十分重要的地位。即使人们不是很富有,社会上的各个阶层还是会想方设法让子女上学读书,接受教育。教师的地位取决于对教育的重视。在中国古代,有许多尊师的说法。对老师的尊重,表现在社会生活的各个方面。教师见君王可以免去礼节 (etiquette),反而官员们见到老师要躬身下拜。现在,中国还把每年的九月十日定为教师节,以表达对教师的尊重。


  It is a long-standing tradition in China that peoplelay much stress on education and show high respectfor the teacher.Since ancient times,the Chinesenation has put education in a veiy importantposition.All social classes will try by every means tohave their children go to school to receive education,even though they are not rich.The statusof the teacher depends on the importance attached to education.In ancient China,there weremany sayings about respecting the teacher.Respect for the teacher can be seen in all aspects ofsocial life.The teacher could be excused from etiquette when meeting the emperor,but officialsshould bow down when meeting the teacher.Nowadays,China has set September 10th eachyear as the Teachers,Day,in order to show respect for them.

  1.尊师重教:可译为lay much stress on education and show high respect for the teacher。其中lay much stress on意为“重视,强调”,等同于attach great importance to。

  2.想方设法:可译为try by every means to或do everything possible to。

  3.地位:即“社会地位”,可译为social status或status。

  4.免去礼节:可译为be excused from etiquette。其中“免去”译为be excused from 或be spared from,etiquette意为“礼节”。

  5.躬身下拜:可译为bow down。


  二、喜马拉雅山(The Himalayas)被称为“雪的故乡”,位于青藏髙原(Qinghai-Tibet Plateau)的南面,西起帕米尔高原(thePamirs),东到雅鲁藏布江(Yariung Zangbo River)大拐弯处。东西长2450多千米,南北宽200~350千米,平均海拔6000多米。喜马拉雅山由110多座海拔7000米以上的山峰组成。其中,珠穆朗玛峰(Mount Qomolangma)海拔8848米,是世界第一高峰,位于中国与尼泊尔的边界处。喜马拉雅山脉是世界上最年轻的山脉,因为它真正出现也就只有几十万年的时间,现在它还在不断地增长。


  The Himalayas, also known as "the Hometown of Snow", lie to the south of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and and start from the Pamirs in the west to the great turning point of the Yarlung Zangbo River in the east. From east to west, the mountains are over 2,450 kilometers long and from south to north, they are 200-350 kilometers wide, with an average altitude of over 6,000 meters. The Himalayas consist of more than 110 mountains which are over 7,000 meters high. Among them, Mount Qomolangma is the highest mountain in the world, with an altitude of 8,848 meters, located on the border of China and Nepal. The Himalayan range is the youngest mountain range in the world because it has only been in existence for several hundred thousand years, and it is still growing!

  1.雪的故乡:可译为the Hometown of Snow.

  2.位于:即lie to,还可以用lie in或be located in表达。

  3.招弯处:可译为turning point.

  4.平均海拔:可译为average de即“海拔”。

  5.位于……的边界处:可使用词组be located on the borderof…来表达。


  三、紫禁城(the Forbidden City)坐落于北京市中心,又称故宫,是明清时期的皇宮.这座矩形宫殿是世界上最大的宫殿群。四周环绕着六米深的护城河(moat)和十米高的城墙。四面各有一门。护城墙四角各有一个精心建造的独特角楼。紫禁城被分成两部分:南面的部分即外朝(Outer Court),是皇帝行使最髙权力的地方;而北面的部分即内廷(Inner Court),是皇帝和皇室成员生活的地方。今天,紫禁城敞开大门,迎接国内外游客。


  Located at the center of Beijing, the Forbidden City, also called gu gong in Chinese, was the imperialpalace during the Ming and Qing Dynasties. In theshape of rectangle, it is the largest palace complexon earth. It is surrounded by a six-meter-deep moatand ten-meter-high city walls. There is a gate on each side of the walls, and on each of the fourcomers there is a unique and delicately structured tower. The Forbidden City is divided intotwo parts. The southern part, or the Outer Court, was where the emperor exercised hissupreme power over the nation. While the northern part, or the Inner Court, was where theemperor and his family lived. Nowaday, the Forbidden City is open to welcome tourists fromhome and abroad.

  1.紫禁城:即the Forbidden City.

  2.宫殿群:可译为palace x为“建筑群”之意。

  3.精心建造的独特角楼:可译为a unique and delicatelystructured tower.

  4.被分成两部分:可译为be divided into two parts.

  5.皇帝行使最高权力的地方:可译为定语从句where theemperor excercised his supreme power over the nation.其中“最高权力”译为supreme power.

  6.国内外:可译为home and abroad.


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