I almost always wake up fresh and rested.这里的almost可以换成nearly吗?我搜有道词典里面有这样造句的I nearly always wake up fresh and rested但沪江网校上的助教批改说“几乎总是”要用“almost always





Almost vs. Nearly
“Almost” means practically the same thing as “nearly,” and in most cases they are interchangeable. Almost means very nearly but not exactly or entirely.

Nearly means almost but not quite, but its primary meaning has more to do with proximity, i.e., in a close manner or relationship.

Many dictionaries define these two words using the other word, which means they are basically synonymous. However, “almost” is used more than twice as often as “nearly,” which implies that nearly is more specialized in its usage. Nearly is also used more often in the news media, according to one university study.

Almost is typically followed by adverbs
Examples: almost always, almost certainly

Nearly is usually followed by numbers.
Example: Nearly 72,000 people attended the Texans playoff game Sunday

Nearly is often used in the following construction: not nearly as [adjective]
Example: He’s not nearly as smart as he thinks he is.

Here’s a suggestion: If you have used a lot of “almost” words on a single page, you can change things up a bit by using “nearly” a few of those times.



