





  (1)浏览题目,推测全文主题 阅读理解的五道题目之间通常都会有隐含的逻辑联系,所以通过第一遍的初步浏览,有助于把握文章所谈论的主题,作出简单设想和推测。

  如 1. The phrase “emanate from” in Paragraph 1 most probably means “________”.

  2. Which of the following is mentioned as one of the causes of bad breath?

  3. According to the passage, alcohol has something to do with bad breath mainly because________.

  4. Mouthwashes are not an effective cure for bad breath mainly because________.

  5. We can infer from this passage that________.

  第1、5题分别为猜词题和推论题,没有提供任何信息。不过第2、3、4题都提到了bad breath (难闻的口气,口臭),因此文章谈论的主题就非常清晰,对于后面的理解和解题会有帮助。

  (2)判断题型,确定题干关键词 六级的深度阅读主要考查主旨题、细节题、猜词题、推论题和态度题等五种题型,重点考查细节题。细节题的关键词主要有三类



  (3)跳读文章,寻找关键词 浏览文章切忌试图弄懂文中的每一个单词。如果逐句翻译会影响做题的速度,而且会忽略各题区域的寻找。跳读的目的是要整体把握一下文章脉络,找到每道题目中的关键词,从而可以确定每道题目答案的所在位置。答案在文中一般情况都是依次而下顺序出现。

  (4)理解区域,排除干扰项 根据第三步寻找的区域,进行深度的翻译和理解,比较选项与文章的信息,注意选项的同义改写、主动被动转换,同时要当心偷换概念、以偏概全等陷阱,依据选项一般不过于绝对(如出现never, only, all)等原理,排除干扰项,最终确定答案。

  Passage One For hundreds of millions of years, turtles (海龟) have struggled out of the sea to lay their eggs on sandy beaches, long before there were nature documentaries to celebrate them, or GPS satellites and marine biologists to track them, or volunteers to hand-carry the hatchlings (幼龟) down to the water’s edge lest they become disoriented by headlights and crawl towards a motel parking lot instead. A formidable wall of bureaucracy has been erected to protect their prime nesting on the Atlantic coastlines. With all that attention paid to them, you’d think these creatures would at least have the gratitude not to go extinct.

  But Nature is indifferent to human notions of fairness, and a report by the Fish and Wildlife Service showed a worrisome drop in the populations of several species of North Atlantic turtles, notably loggerheads, which can grow to as much as 400 pounds. The South Florida nesting population, the largest, has declined by 50% in the last decade, according to Elizabeth Griffin, a marine biologist with the environmental group Oceana.

  The figures prompted Oceana to petition the government to upgrade the level of protection for the North Atlantic loggerheads from “threatened” to “endangered”—meaning they are in danger of disappearing without additional help. Which raises the obvious question: what else do these turtles want from us, anyway? It turns out, according to Griffin, that while we have done a good job of protecting the turtles for the weeks they spend on land (as egg-laying females, as eggs and as hatchlings), we have neglected the years spend in the ocean. “The threat is from commercial fishing,” says Griffin.

  Trawlers (which drag large nets through the water and along the ocean floor) and longline fishers (which can deploy thousands of hooks on lines that can stretch for miles) take a heavy toll on turtles. Of course, like every other environmental issue today, this is playing out against the background of global warming and human interference with natural ecosystems. The narrow strips of beach on which the turtles lay their eggs are being squeezed on one side by development and on the other by the threat of rising sea levels as the oceans warm. Ultimately we must get a handle on those issues as well, or a creature that outlived the dinosaurs (恐龙) will meet its end at the hands of humans, leaving our descendants to wonder how creature so ugly could have won so much affection.

  1. We can learn from the first paragraph that ________.

   activities have changed the way turtles survive

  s have been made to protect turtles from dying out

  ment bureaucracy has contributed to turtles’ extinction

   biologists are looking for the secret of turtles’ reproduction

  2. What does the author mean by “Nature is indifferent to human notions of fairness” (Line 1, Para. 2)?

  A.Nature is quite fair regarding the survival of turtles.

  B.Turtles are by nature indifferent to human activities.

  C.The course of nature will not be changed by human interference.

  D.The turtle population has decreased in spite of human protection.

  3. What constitutes a major threat to the survival of turtles according to Elizabeth Griffin?

  A.Their inadequate food supply.

  B.Unregulated commercial fishing.

  C.Their lower reproductively ability.

  D.Contamination of sea water

  4. How does global warming affect the survival of turtles?

  A.It threatens the sandy beaches on which they lay eggs.

  B.The changing climate makes it difficult for their eggs to hatch.

  C.The rising sea levels make it harder for their hatchlings to grow.

  D.It takes them longer to adapt to the high beach temperature.

  5. The last sentence of the passage is meant to ________.

  de human beings to show more affection for turtles

   that even the most ugly species should be protected

   for effective measures to ensure sea turtles’ survival

   our descendants about the extinction of species

  此类题材的文章,主要谈论由于人类活动(海洋捕捞、近海活动)以及气候变暖等因素,海龟数量急剧下降。 首先根据题干信息,分别将5个题目进行定位。第一、二和五题有着明确的定位信息,而第三、四题的关键词是Elizabeth Griffin和global warming,五道题目分别定位在第一段、第二段首句、第三段、末段和末段结尾句。接下来是理解定位,排除干扰项。52题是推论题,四个选项初看都像是正确答案,但通过理解,发现文章第一段都在谈论人们在保护海龟方面付出的努力,而最后一句中all the attention 是对前面的总结,而正确选项B中efforts替换原文中的attention,dying out替换原文中的go extinct,运用同义替换原则。又如第55题,对于global warming的影响,错误项BCD中均有提到eggs, hatch, grow, beach等相关核心词,但由于细节表述有误,因此需要考生仔细阅读辨析后排除错误答案。 而最后一题对应文章末句“Ultimately we must get a handle on those issues as well, or a creature that outlived the dinosaurs (恐龙) will meet its end at the hands of humans, leaving our descendants to wonder how creature so ugly could have won so much affection.” 考生需要在短时间之内分析这个长句的句子结构,理清句子思路。而该句的关键是or,如果两边成分一致表示“或者”,如果成分不一致,表示“否则”,而这里应该是后者。that outlived the dinosaurs (恐龙)是定语从句修饰a creature, leaving our descendants to wonder是分词作定语,修饰前面整句话,how引导宾语从句。

